Good news is here!  My left noob is just a bit less swollen today!  I woke up this morning and was so excited to see that Dolly Parton hadn’t left part of her cargo on my chest! This made me think about when I first saw my reconstructed breasts in the hospital.  I was terrified.  Yes, they were lumpy and uneven and post-surgical raw; but those weren’t the things that troubled me.  I was worried that they were going to be as big as they were that day for the rest of my life.  I understand that a lot of women that undergo breast reconstruction are interested in other “perks” that may tag along with the procedure.  I was hoping for smaller and firmer.  I think that most women who have breast fed just hope to one day recapture their formerly firm breasts.  I wanted smaller because my natural breasts fluctuated a lot throughout my life.  But when I was pregnant and then nursing, they went from reasonable to unreasonable to totally unmanageable to pancakes.  So I wanted smaller and firmer.  When I woke up to the ginormo noobs, I was horrified they were going to stay that big.  When I woke up today, I was so excited that my rogue left noob was deciding to get back with the gang.  So, a step in the right direction!

Last night I did my PT stretches and massage before we went to bed.  I didn’t feel too great doing them because I always wonder if I’m doing things correctly, despite having an hour of instruction and coaching with Rachel, and the stretching produces a lot of discomfort.  But I figure that I will get more confident and  comfortable with time and practice. I am a little more sore today along my left side but that was expected; my left side has so much room for improvement!  But, I think, you can tell that the swelling on my left side (particularly in my underarm area) has decreased.  I don’t know that lymphatic massage has a 24-hour turn around time, but I’m just happy to see change for the better here.

I didn’t take my walk today.  Instead I went to watch and be semi-helpful to my husband during his last day of trial.  I hope to make up for it tomorrow, and also to have some super fun with the little ladies.

Until then, ch-ch-ch-check it out!  Sorry about the crazy light/glare.  I took these while the sun was setting and our bathroom windows are west-facing.  Ergo, weird light and shadows this time of day.

04/19/2012 - Frontal

04/19/2012 - Flaps

04/19/2012 - Abdomen

04/19/2012 - Right side

04/19/2012 - Left side

04/19/2012 - Left side swelling improved!